Thursday, December 12, 2019

Place Holder For The Entry I Won My Way Out Of

I needed a quick break from thinking about how I put off doing all these entries over the course of MONTHS versus the majority in one day. This break included time to make a gin and tonic (my back up plan for being a failed literary scholar) and to grab a bag of trail mix.

To anyone reading this blog in the future as an example of a Common Place Book know two things: DO NOT PUT THIS SHIT OFF. It is not shit. It is actually really fun and I appreciate the ways it has made me think more critically about what I have been reading.
Two: Seriously, do not put this project off. Imagine just how much funnier MY blog would have been if I had taken the appropriate amount of time? So many missed opportunities for gifs.

I am really proud of my little team for annihilating that vocabulary game and earning us one less entry in this project. Why? Because I really did not enjoy Mankind so skipping a second entry there makes me really happy.

Cheers to gin and tonics and literary analysis.

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